01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Pioneer 10 Poetry
For me, some of the most moving responses to the message are the works of
art and poetry that it evoked. Mr. 'Aim Morhardt is a painter of water colors of
the desert and sierras who lives in Bishop, California, where, perhaps not
coincidentally, the giant Goldstone tracking station, which commands Pioneer 10, is
located. Mr. Morhardt's poem follows:
Pioneer 10: The Golden Messenger.
The dragon prows that cruised the northern seas,
Questing adventure with the fighting clan;
The gallant merma...Two poems inspired by the Pioneer 10 probe. Surely the first of many.
01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
The Message Aboard Pioneer 10 as a "Cosmic Rorschach Test"
The message aboard Pioneer 10 has been good fun. But it has been more than
that. It is a kind of cosmic Rorschach test, in which many people see reflected
their hopes and fears, their aspirations and defeats – the darkest and the most
luminous aspects of the human spirit.In which people see what they want to see, hopes and fears.
01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Letters to the Editor About the Pioneer 10 Plaque and Con...
What sexuality there is in the message also drew epistolary fire. The Los
Angeles Times published a letter from an irate reader that went:
I must say I was shocked by the blatant display of both male and female sex
organs on the front page of the Times. Surely this type of sexual exploitation
is below the standards our community has come to expect from the Times.
Isn't it enough that we must tolerate the bombardment of pornography
through the media of film and smut magazines? Isn't it bad en...One letter complained about sending pornography into space, a follow up letter made fun of the ignorance. Carl Sagan laments the failure of the plaque designers to make the two figures ethnically ambiguous.